Previously, I'd been using a Celestron NexImage Color Burst camera for my astronomy pictures-just drop it into the eyepiece of my telescope, hook it up to my computer, and I was good to go. Well, after booting up the software, calibrating everything, and maneuvering around all the cables. It was a hassle, but a worthwhile hassle for me.
Now, I have a Canon EOS 2000D DSLR camera, and I got an adapter for the telescope. I got it when I was planning for the annular eclipse on October 14, but I figured I could try it out with the telescope as well. Also, while learning how to shoot the eclipse I started learning about night sky and nightscape photography and I'm getting more than a little excited.
So now's a good time to keep an eye on that little Instagram icon at the bottom of the page, because I'm gonna start posting a lot of pictures! :)